
Current publications related to the project

Martins, Catarina (Cat) (2023). Making Creative and Entrepreneurial Selves in Education: The Governing of Life in Contemporary Time. Benjamin Jörissen, Lisa Unterberg, Tanja Klepacki (eds.) Yearbook of Arts Education Research for Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development (pp. 79-95). Springer Singapore.

Assis, T. Martins, C., Boavista, R., Magalhães, G, Aguiar, A, (2023). Creat-Ed Online Platform: Archiving, Unarchiving, and Interpolating in a Timeline. INTED2023 Proceedings (pp. 1423-1430). Valencia: INTED [doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.0412]

Martins, Catarina (Cat) (2022). A colonialidade da educação artística: sementes, plantas e as práticas jardineiras na fabricação da natureza da criança. Revista Derivas, pp. 261-279.

Martins, Catarina (Cat) (2022). A ‘acontecimentalização’ da criança criativa na educação artística, ou, desmontando camadas hegemónicas e colonialidades. Salomé, Josélia, Mendes, Cristina, Torres, Renato, Lima, Sidiney (Orgs.) Processos de Criação em Artes Visuais e Audiovisuais: entre Poéticas e Arte/Educação (pp. 66-79). Curitiba: Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná.

Booklet e Glossário, The Historicization of the Creative Child in Education, Março de 2022, Material de apoio à Kick-off Meeting

Previous publications related to the project

Assis, T. (2017). Docência e investigação em Arte – biopolítica e aoperação da criatividade artística e tecnológica na educação: o caso do perfil dos alunos à saída da escolaridade obrigatória. In L. G. Correia, R. Leão, & S. Poças (Eds.), O Tempo dos Professores (pp. 787–793). CIIE.

Assis, T. (2019). Programming Creativity: Technology and Global Politics in the National Curriculum. In L. G. Chova, A. L. Martínez, & I. C. Torres (Eds.), INTED19 Proceedings: 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 5542–5551). IATED Academy.

Martins, C. S. (2014). Disrupting the consensus: creativity in European educational discourses as a technology of government. Knowledge Cultures, 2(3), 118–135.

Martins, C. S. (2015). Genius as a Historical Event: Its Making as a Statistical Object and Instrument for Governing Schooling. In T. S. Popkewitz (Ed.), The ‘Reason’ of Schooling. Historicizing Curriculum Studies, Pedagogy, and Teacher Education (pp. 99–114). Routledge.

Martins, C. S. (2017). From scribbles to details: The invention of stages of development in drawing and the government of the child. In A Political Sociology of Educational Knowledge: Studies of Exclusions and Difference.

Martins, C. S. (2018a). The Fabrication of the Chameleonic Citizen of the Future: Arts Education in the Advanced Liberal Society. Derivas: Research in Arts Education, 4, 107–117.

Martins, C. S. (2018b). Time, Drawing, Testing: The making up of the developmental child and the measuring of the nation’s development . In S. Lindblad, D. Pettersson, & T. S. Popkewitz (Eds.), Education by the Numbers and the Making of Society. The Expertise of International Assessments (pp. 53–67). Routledge.

Martins, C. S. (2020a). Post-World War Two Psychology, Education and the Creative Child: Fabricating Differences. In T. S. Popkewitz, D. Pettersson, & K.-J. Hsiao (Eds.), The International Emergence of Educational Sciences in the Post-World War Two Years Quantification, Visualization, and Making Kinds of People (pp. 91–108). Routledge.

Martins, C. S. (2020b). The Fabrication of the Chameleonic Citizen of the future through the Rhetoric of Creativity: Governmentality, Competition and Human Capital. In C.-P. Buschkühle, D. Atkinson, & R. Vella (Eds.), Art-Ethics-Education (pp. 26–43). Brill Sense.