

26th and 27th of June, Escola Artística Árvore



Application for the participation in the Final Seminar The Historicization of the Creative Child in Education (CREAT_ED)
UNTIL 31st of MAY

The final seminar of the CREAT_ED Project will be held on the 26th and 27th of June 2023 in Porto, Portugal. 

The seminar will present the results and online archive timeline produced within the project’s scope.

The number of participants will be limited, so that we can engage in relational discussions around these topics. However, through this form, we are opening five extra places for participants. 

The persons selected will be contacted until the 31st of May to confirm their participation.

Participation is free (although we do not have funds for travel and accommodation). 

The lunch and coffee breaks will be offered during the two days of the Seminar.

If you have any doubt, please be in touch through the email

The detailed Programme will be announced in June.

This Project and Seminar are funded by FCT, Exploratory Project EXPL/CED-EDG/0824/2021.

LINK for the application form:


KICK_OFF MEETING | Private meeting
26th, 27th and 28th January 2022

2nd, 3rd and 4th March 2022

Exhibition's Pavilion of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto

On the first day of the seminar we will have a workshop and lecture by Oli Mould, author of the book Against Creativity, e um workshop pela dupla Amanda Midori e Samuel Guimarães, em torno do trabalho pedagógico-artístico da arte educadora Elvira Leite. O segundo e terceiro dias serão de imersão nas 4 linhas do projecto, com recurso a uma timeline construída in situ, pela equipa (Catarina Martins, Catarina Almeida, Tiago Assis e Pedro Ferreira) e pelo grupo de participantes, contando ainda com a presença e comentários finais de Jorge Ramos do Ó, um dos consultores científicos de CREAT_ED.

Esta kick-off meeting é financiada pela FCT, no âmbito do Projeto Exploratório EXPL/CED-EDG/0824/2021.

Academia de Curadoria
AdC – Laboratório de Práticas Curatoriais
September 2022

Topic: Curatorship and reparatory criticism in the online platform CREAT_ED

Seminar/Workshop with critical friends
30th of September and 1st of October 2022

AL859 – Art Space, Porto

On the first day of the seminar, during the morning, we will have a presentation/discussion around the CREAT_ED online platform. In the afternoon, we will proceed to a first working session on The archive of the creative child: Working through an ‘event’ (Herbert Read's book Education Through Art) facilitated by the CREAT_ED team in collaboration with Rita Bredariolli, Amanda Midori and Ana Paz. On the second day of the seminar, during the morning, we will start with the workshop Anarchives of the relegated, where we intend to explore creative methods that challenge colonial knowledge productions, led by Carine Zaayman. In the afternoon, we will move on to the second working session on The archive of the creative child: Working through an ‘event’, focused on a cooperative/collective effort between the CREAT_ED team and critical friends.

Guest Lecture and Workshop: The Century of the Child & the Scattering of the Timeline
25th and 26th of November 2022

Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Austria

In their lecture, Cat Martins and Tiago Assis will present their ongoing research on the archive of the creative child in education and their critical and decolonial archival strategies. In the workshop on the following day, entitled Interpolations: Working With and Against the Archive of the Creative Child the participants are invited to work with and against some sources of this archive, with a special focus on the (an-)archival method of interpolation.

More info about the guest lecture here.
More info about the workshop here.

Internal Seminar with consultants
1st and 2nd December 2022

Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto

Apresentação e discussão sobre o projecto, com a presença de Thomas S. Popkewitz e Jorge Ramos do Ó.

Workshop, The Historicization of the Creative Child: working with and against an archive
26th April 2023

Workshop with: Cat Martins, Tiago Assis, Catarina Almeida, Raquel Boavista, Melina Scheuermann, Samuel Guimarães

online, zoom

Registration form, open until the 20th of April 2023:

This is a workshop in which we will introduce the Project The Historicization of the Creative Child in Education. We will focus on the archive that is being constructed and strategies to work with and against this archive. We will mobilize archival materialities and work through some questions with the participants: How was the creative child constructed within western arts educational discourses at the intersection of discourses on race, class, gender, and ableism? Which subject positions are being mobilized? What are the colonialities we can name and deconstruct? How, as art educators, can we engage in reparative critical histories?